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Avoid the small business social media nightmare

Learn how you can avoid the painful mistakes most small businesses make when considering the use of social media 💥

The amount of consideration small businesses give to their social media efforts without really knowing what they are doing is insane.

It's out of hand, and we all know it.

Where it goes wrong

✅ Sales conversions via social media are incredibly low, compounded by businesses not having a smart sales strategy when it comes to posting and engaging.

✅ Digging deeper into the absence of a sales strategy is a business having a weak brand, a weak website, a weak offer - whatever; conversions run through pipelines but often the emphasis is really only on the follower count - a meaningless vanity metric on its own.

✅ Social media sucks time, energy and - considering the above - motivation. Running multiple social media accounts often results in stagnant accounts that look useless - because they are.

Outside of your control - the red flags

🚩 Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn don't want you posting links because links take users away from the platform - your voice is limited and your exposure reduced.

🚩 A business cannot own its social media presence and is therefore unable to control it. You only need to visit Reddit to learn about the swathes of people who have had their Instagram accounts deleted without violating any terms:

Account Deleted/Disabled Megathread
by u/AutoModerator in Instagram


💡 Don't use social media unless you have a solid business case for it, and certainly don't rely on it. Build a strategy that squarely aligns with your goals. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk was written in 2013 but is still a very easy way to understand how to create content that works. Consider diversifying your marketing channels, such as:

💡 Engaging your audience in person. The vast majority of small startups I work with that make a profit the fastest are those that sell in person. Bite the bullet and book a craft fair, a stand at a conference, a talk at an event - whatever it takes to get in front of people. At the very least you'll get direct feedback.

💡 If you're going to cold DM somebody don't come across as desperate or spammy - something most people do. Master the art of the DM.

💡 Consider how you can have fun using social media whilst aligning with your business goals - don't overthink it. Even if you outsource your social media management you still need to manage it. Protect your mental health at all costs.


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